
Gluten Free Friday ~ Important Ingredients {Lent Day 3}

Corn Chowder.  That’s what I had planned to post about today, but I didn’t take any pictures of the process of making it, or the serving of it to a fun group of women gathered around my dining room table, and it’s really just a variation of the Pioneer Woman’s delicious recipe anyway.  And it… Read More Gluten Free Friday ~ Important Ingredients {Lent Day 3}


Love and Lent {Lent Day 2}

 Early morning drive across the state yesterday.  I turn off the blaring radio and almost tear up immediately in the silence.  I know it’s time to pray, not listen to the latest pop song or even the latest headlines.  Adoration ~ You are so generous and good, Lord.  You are holy.  Sovereign.  Your death…it was… Read More Love and Lent {Lent Day 2}


Passover Crimson, Snowfall White

He’s been near and dear for many years.  She was fairly new on the scene, becoming his wife in the summertime. I go to a lot of weddings.  I cried at theirs, because I had prayed for this moment for so long, because he was so happy, because she was so beautiful, so perfect for… Read More Passover Crimson, Snowfall White


Counting One Thousand Gifts ~ December & Joy Dare Complete!

What an incredible journey!  Counting 1000 gifts in the course of a year.  It was a dare and a challenge the Lord knew I needed to bring healing and new patterns of thought and emotion to a heart that tends toward discouragement and despair.  And though I’ll possibly always fight that internal battle, the practice… Read More Counting One Thousand Gifts ~ December & Joy Dare Complete!


Christmas Cheer And A Really Cool Gift

 What a treat last week was!  In the thirteen years we’ve lived in Massachusetts, we’ve never had family visit at Christmastime.  It’s always been a super quiet day for us, which we’ve always enjoyed, but this year it was just super special.  My youngest sister, Melinda, from Texas arrived on Friday, and then my brother,… Read More Christmas Cheer And A Really Cool Gift


Condescending, Rude, and Near

I’m sitting here in a quiest house on Christmas Eve with a fever, sore throat, and nasty head cold.  I thought I might just escape the virus that everyone in my family has had in the last two weeks, but it caught up with me on Saturday.  Kayla and Robert just left for the Christmas… Read More Condescending, Rude, and Near


Counting One Thousand Gifts ~ November { More Bible/Parenting/Advent Adventures}

The cute Facebook photos and glowing blog posts don’t usually reflect it, but there is often groaning and complaining at my house ~ and not just by the younger three that live here ~ but mostly.  Vespers at Amherst College was not high on their list of desired activities for a Sunday afternoon this weekend.… Read More Counting One Thousand Gifts ~ November { More Bible/Parenting/Advent Adventures}


Cider Brine and Asaph’s Special Assignment

 I polled my family this weekend to find out what their favorite Thanksgiving dishes are.  Here are the results: Cooper:  mashed potatoes and gravy, hot cider, chocolate pie, and pumpkin pie Kayla: pumpkin souffle stuffing cranberry sauce Kory: praline sweet potatoes stuffing Robert wasn’t home at the time, so I send him an inquiring text… Read More Cider Brine and Asaph’s Special Assignment


Counting One Thousand Gifts ~ October {Tensions, Vacations, Elections}

I should be preparing for tomorrow ~ packing up books and supplies for Classical Conversations, studying Latin and Algebra, typing Kayla’s essay for Challenge A, addressing the many items I need to take to the post office, cleaning my house, etc., but I’m hoping the practice of enumerating my gifts for last month ~ only… Read More Counting One Thousand Gifts ~ October {Tensions, Vacations, Elections}


Adventures in Bible Reading

“I’m not reading my Bible like I want to and like I should, because it’s just easier to watch TV and escape from reality,” is what one young woman told me this weekend through tears and in the midst of grieving a loss. And I could concur somewhat, though my “easy” mode of escape is typically flipping… Read More Adventures in Bible Reading