
Changing Gods {Lent Day #26}

“Therefore I bring charges against you again,” declares the Lord. “And I will bring charges against your children’s children. Cross over to the coasts of Cyprus, and look, send to Kedar and observe closely; see if there has ever been anything like this: Has a nation ever changed its gods? (Yet they are not gods… Read More Changing Gods {Lent Day #26}


Identity Crisis or Christ’s Identity {Lent Day #25}

“In Christianity, your activity does not determine your identity.” I’m away at another women’s retreat today ~ The Beloved Retreat. This one is for the women of my church and a sister church in town ~ as opposed to the Burly Man Retreat which was a few weeks ago and for the menfolk. ☺ All… Read More Identity Crisis or Christ’s Identity {Lent Day #25}


Gluten Free Friday ~ Muffins, Quiche, and Legalism {Lent Day #24}

 Blueberry muffins are one of Robert’s favorite foods, but I never thought to serve them with lunch or dinner until my friend Sherri did that very thing one Sunday after church.  {Hi Sherri!} It was chicken pot pie and blueberry muffins if I remember correctly, and it was so good. I am in desperate need… Read More Gluten Free Friday ~ Muffins, Quiche, and Legalism {Lent Day #24}


More “I’m Sorry” {Lent Day # 22}

 My night stand drawers are full of special notes and keepsakes.  It is so hard for me to throw away things handwritten and meant especially for me.  There are several notes that look like these, and I treasure them greatly.  They are from my kids and have usually been found on my pillow around bedtime.… Read More More “I’m Sorry” {Lent Day # 22}


Inherently Good? {Lent Day #21}

Tuesdays are the busiest day of our week.  I’m heading out in just a few minutes to teach all day at Classical Conversations.  Then it will be dance class for Kayla, dinner at home, and Men’s Boot Camp Bible Study for Robert.  Robert usually has a very full Tuesday as well, but canceled regular appointments… Read More Inherently Good? {Lent Day #21}


My Bummer of a Blog {Lent Day #20}

I thought of giving this post the title “How To Kill Your Blog,” but that sounded a bit dramatic. ☺ I hope I don’t sound like I’m constantly complaining here, and have been a little worried that I’ve become the “bummer blogger” with this season’s posts.  The really awesome thing, though, is that just as… Read More My Bummer of a Blog {Lent Day #20}


Bland and Dim {Lent Day #19}

Bland and dim. That’s what I was feeling ~ even wanting to be ~ last night and before this morning’s challenge to be salt and light. Tired, feeling pulled in a lot of directions, coming off of a crazy week, looking in the face of another, and totally unprepared for my Sunday morning small group… Read More Bland and Dim {Lent Day #19}


Storehouses of Snow {Lent Day #18}

Summer vacations on the rocky coast of Maine, walking the historic streets of Boston, fall backpacking trips through the White Mountains of New Hampshire, eating out and shopping in NYC, and now weekly ski trips to Vermont ~ over mountain passes with covered bridges in the background?  Sometimes this Texas girl can’t believe her own… Read More Storehouses of Snow {Lent Day #18}


Unaccepted Apologies = Unhappiness {Lent Day #16}

She emailed me in her grief and asked if I’d pray.  She had said things not intended for certain ears, but those ears eventually heard and they were hurt.  So hurt and angry that they refused to forgive.  My friend tried several ways of reaching out and admitting her fault and expressing sorrow for what… Read More Unaccepted Apologies = Unhappiness {Lent Day #16}


Amputation, huh? {Lent Day #15}

I’m not sure how Martin Luther did it, confessing his sins daily and sometimes for hours on end.  I read recently that he just about drove his Father Confessor insane with his “excessive” confessions. He was accused of  trying to avoid work and studies by staying in the confessional, but that wasn’t the case.  He… Read More Amputation, huh? {Lent Day #15}