
Will Chip Gaines be Next? (or Leadership is Lonely)

Robert and I had lunch together at our picnic table one day this week. Poor guy has been sick for over a week and has had laryngitis for six days now, so it was good to sit in the sunshine for a while, eating and chatting, which was a bit one sided, since he literally… Read More Will Chip Gaines be Next? (or Leadership is Lonely)


He Asked For Her Number: Part One

It was several years ago that we were alone in her new kitchen unpacking boxes and talking like only sisters can, when I knew I needed to ask her a question. The divorce papers had been filed, and she had moved to a new town, gotten a new job, and moved into a new house.… Read More He Asked For Her Number: Part One


Dear Taylor Swift…

Oddly enough, it was several several years ago in Vermont that I first paid any attention to you.  My husband and I decided to take an afternoon off and drive an hour north on a beautiful summer afternoon.  We ended up in a little cafe for iced coffee and cookies. They happened to be playing… Read More Dear Taylor Swift…


The Best Man You Know? (A Sad, But Hopeful Tale)

That was the “ice breaker” question.  We went around the circle, introduced ourselves briefly, and then answered that question. A couple of the women wanted to skip answering (but we wouldn’t let them off that easy).  Most had trouble coming up with even one man from their own life they could call “good.” Not one… Read More The Best Man You Know? (A Sad, But Hopeful Tale)