
And The Surgeon Wore Boots

This was the scene last Monday afternoon as my siblings and uncle crowded into my dad’s room in ICU after his open-heart surgery. Not long after this photo was taken we got kicked out for breaking the “only two visitors allowed at a time” rule. We probably could have stayed, but it was getting kinda… Read More And The Surgeon Wore Boots


1. Baseball 2. Boston 3. Repeat

Seems like that’s all we did last week – go to baseball games, go to Boston, go to more baseball games, then head to Boston again. It was a very full week, but lots of fun. Kory was up as pitcher once last week, and I always get so nervous for him when his coach… Read More 1. Baseball 2. Boston 3. Repeat


Goodbye Winter!?! (Hello Easter, Baseball, and Iced Coffee)

I use a question mark, because if you set your hopes on spring too early around here, you are SURE to be disappointed. (If I see any more bluebonnet photos on Facebook, I may die of jealousy!) I try to lower my expectations to at least mid-May, and even then shorts and sandals may be… Read More Goodbye Winter!?! (Hello Easter, Baseball, and Iced Coffee)


Havin’ Fun at the Beach – On Ice !?!

Kayla’s ice skating show was today, and she did a great job! The theme was “A Skate for all Seasons,” and her number happened to be during the “Summer” part of the show, called “Havin’ Fun at the Beach.” There were about 8 other girls in that number – all at or around the same… Read More Havin’ Fun at the Beach – On Ice !?!


Trip to Texas Part 3: The Cousins!

Another highlight of our annual trip south is time with siblings and cousins. Robert and I each have sisters with three kids, so it is always a fun and entertaining time to be together. (I have other siblings with no kids, so we hope that even more cousins will be coming someday soon…hint…hint.) We spent… Read More Trip to Texas Part 3: The Cousins!


Trip to Texas Part 2: Fun with Granparents

Since our entire family is in Texas, we get to make the rounds and see almost everyone during our January trip south. Our immediate families all live within about an hour and a half of each other which makes those trips do-able. At Grammie and Paw Paw’s house (Robert’s parents) the kids enjoyed lots of… Read More Trip to Texas Part 2: Fun with Granparents


Christmas At Our Casa

Christmas here was pretty quiet, and it usually is. After all of the planning, hosting, cooking, cleaning, shopping, and “churching” that the holiday always entails for us, it’s so nice to do nothing on the actual day. We all look forward to a day on the couch in our pjs, and we all wonder why… Read More Christmas At Our Casa


Fun in Maine!

I love this photo collage, because it truly reflects the joy in this vacation we take every year. (We got back a week ago.) And being from Texas, it never ceases to amaze me that my kids are growing up spending 4 days in Maine every summer! (Not to mention hanging out in Boston and… Read More Fun in Maine!


Set Sail!

That was the theme of this year’s Crosswalk youth camp, which we have felt privileged to be part of for 7 years now. To kick off the camp, Allyson, the director, arranged for the entire staff to go for a “three hour tour” on a beautiful schooner sailboat! (Probably not the correct terminology…you sailors can… Read More Set Sail!


Cousins, Cookouts, Country, Cape Cod…Craziness!

Our kids love to have house guests, but none have been more anticipated than these…..the Etheredge cousins from Texas! I think they started the countdown way back in January when we left THEIR home in Austin. I was equally excited to be able to spend time with my sister Melissa. We missed you, Melinda! Yes,… Read More Cousins, Cookouts, Country, Cape Cod…Craziness!