
Phoenix So Far…

Cactus, high temps, beautiful Bermuda grass, The Hilton, (We’re sharing the Hilton with the Roller Derby Championship Teams. Yes, the Roller Derby Ladies + the Southern Baptists = one big happy family!), more cactus, chapped lips, needing more product for my turned-to-straw-hair, swimming pool, glass elevators, light rail train to downtown, 14 Starbucks in a… Read More Phoenix So Far…


Backyard Murder Mystery

Sadly, this has often been the scene in our backyard in recent months ~ feathers in a frenzied path, and one or two less chickens in the coop.  We’ve had fourteen hens for over a year now, but now we’re down to………….THREE. While it appears that we are terrible chicken parents, the truth is that… Read More Backyard Murder Mystery


Remembering Poppy

 Spring always reminds me of my grandfather.  His birthday was on the first day of spring, and even though he’s been gone nearly 11 years now, I still write his name on March 20 every January when I sit down to write all of the important birthdays for the year on my new calendar.  Poppy… Read More Remembering Poppy


Blizzards and Basketball

 Just wanted to post a few snow shots from today.  This is the view out our front window to the house across the street. Aren’t the icicles so pretty?  Yesterday, on the way to church I drove past a house that had icicles hanging from the roof and touching the ground!  Ours aren’t quite that… Read More Blizzards and Basketball


Texas, Texas ~ Yee Haw! (Part 3: More friends, Gandparents, Oklahoma, and the Preaching Tour)

While all of my Massachusetts friends are braving their second snowstorm in two weeks, the Krum fam is enjoying their final, beautiful, sunny, 65 degree day in Texas.  Hopefully the snow and ice up north will subside in time for us to land in Newark and Hartford uneventfully.  At least our seats are all together… Read More Texas, Texas ~ Yee Haw! (Part 3: More friends, Gandparents, Oklahoma, and the Preaching Tour)


Texas, Texas ~ Yee Haw! (Part 3: My Birthday)

 We haven’t lived in Austin, or even in Texas for that matter, for almost 16 years now, but for my birthday, Robert planned for us to be “locals” again ~ which was really fun.  First on the list was getting up at 6:30am and driving into town in order to have an early morning run… Read More Texas, Texas ~ Yee Haw! (Part 3: My Birthday)


Texas, Texas ~ Yee Haw! (Part 2: Jerky, Trucks, Mules, Cows, Guns, and Grandparents)

Well, we said goodbye to Grammie and Paw Paw last Wednesday morning and headed east to see more grandparents, cousins, and aunts in Bellville, TX.  This was about a 3 hour trip on I-10 and is simply not complete without a stop here:  They say that Buc-ee’s is a business built on bathrooms, and the… Read More Texas, Texas ~ Yee Haw! (Part 2: Jerky, Trucks, Mules, Cows, Guns, and Grandparents)


Texas, Texas ~ Yee Haw! (Part 1: The Land of Extremes)

 After eating Mexican food, and then being offered more Mexican food in the Wal-Mart parking lot, we headed to my dad’s house.  The next day, my brother arrived from California.  Once we were all gathered, we packed Friday with lots of activity.  First on the agenda was a UT Men’s basketball game at the Frank… Read More Texas, Texas ~ Yee Haw! (Part 1: The Land of Extremes)


Merry Christmas From the Krum Fam!

 A midnight race through Central Park to ring in the brand new year; a Texas 40th birthday party with folks Mel holds so dear. Back home to lots of baseball games~ spring, summer, and how does “fall ball” sound? Kory managed to make his favorite sport last the whole year round. We even saw our… Read More Merry Christmas From the Krum Fam!


We Will Miss You, Buddy

 We had been praying for a dog, and then six and a half years ago you were given to us as a gift ~ an answered prayer ~ because the pet store didn’t want a dog that kept eating rocks and needing to go to the vet ~ and the vet clinic worker couldn’t handle… Read More We Will Miss You, Buddy