
Gluten Free Friday ~ Pumpkin Souffle

   The beautiful colors that have arrived this week have made me want to start cooking all-things-pumpkin-and-squash.  This is a recipe re-run from 2007 ~ but with pictures this time.  This re-run is partly because Robert and I are running the Hartford Half-Marathon in the morning, and I’ve got a million things to do before I pick him up from the Hartford airport tonight.  He’s been at a leadership conference in Dallas, TX all week.  The half-marathon sounded like a great idea a few months back when we registered, but this has turned out to be one crazy weekend!  I had to recruit my friend Lois to be my stunt double in the morning and take my kiddos to all kinds of early morning activities ~  6 a.m. departure for a cross country meet for Cooper (it’s in Rhode Island!), 7:45 a.m. PSAT for Kory ,and a 9am swim lesson for Kayla!  Whew.  I’m so thankful for her willingness to help us out!

This is an easy souffle, that works great as a side dish alongside roasted chicken or even beef.  My kids absolutely love it when I make this.  (Pretty sure it’s the brown sugar and cinnamon that draws them!) Don’t be disturbed when your souffle “deflates” though.  This photo was taken right after it came out of the oven.  I can almost guarantee it’s flattening out and caving in ~ even if you are very quiet and don’t make any sudden movements!  😉

Folding the egg whites with the pumpkin mixture…

Just out of the oven…

Pumpkin Souffle

1 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg (optional)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/8 tsp salt
3 egg whites

Preheat oven to 350 deg. Place a baking dish with an inch or so of water in it in the oven to heat. The souffle will bake in this pan of water later.

Mix together pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, and salt. Beat egg whites until stiff. Add egg whites to pumpkin mixture, and gently but thoroughly combine. Pour into a 1 quart baking dish and set in the pan of hot water. Bake 30-40 minutes.

This recipe can be doubled, but I’ve tried tripling, and it doesn’t work very well. Better to use several 1 or 2 quart dishes if you’re feeding a crowd. One recipe only serves 4-6 people.
Happy Fall!

2 thoughts on “Gluten Free Friday ~ Pumpkin Souffle

  1. I'm tickled that you wrote "one recipe ONLY serves 4-6 people." Usually when I see that designation, I cut the recipe in half to avoid the two of us eating leftovers for days and days! 🙂 I guess I need to have people over more often…

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