
Thankful For….

Forgot to include the list of things our family said they were thankful for this year in the Thanksgiving post, so here it is…….


stuffed animals, my family, Buddy, my room, footie pj’s, Jesus, my clothes, Floppy Kitty, our chickens, my ice skates, my hair, our garden, my cousins, my church, rainforests, Vacation Bible School, my friends, hot chocolate, animals, Webkinz


football, Switchfoot, my family, music, enchiladas, Lego football players, snow, friends, my fire (flame) cap, trips to Texas, Play Station Portable


football, God, Buddy, our cars, outdoors, computers, books, my family, our church, food, friends, sleep, the Bible, my new winter coat, the Today Show, homeschool group, trees, winter, Christmas


Robert, my kids, hot tea, my house, my new bedroom furniture, my dad’s continual generosity Jesus’s sacrifice and His joy, siblings who love and walk with the Lord, trips to California and Switzerland, our homeschool group, a healthy family, fresh eggs!


sunshine, my 40th birthday party, long underwear, my marriage, Tazo Tea, Switzerland trip, a new furnace, my kids’ artwork, Jesus