
Fire Feeding at the Dentist

Only if you read the very long book review below, or the book itself, will you appreciate the following conversation (if you call call it that – my mouth was wide open and filled with cleaning instruments) with my dental hygienist yesterday……

Hygienist: Your gums are very healthy. I bet you don’t drink soda or eat a lot of refined carbs.

Me: Uh huh

Hygienist: And I’m so pleased to see that you are not on a long list of medications. You realize, don’t you, that most of the ailments that people are on meds for can be resolved with some dietary changes.

Me: Uh huh

Hygienist: Are you a vegetarian?

Me: No. I probably could be, but my husband is a meat and potatoes guy, and I think the protein does my kids some good. (She removed her tools so I could respond.)

Hygienist: Have you seen the movie King Corn?

Me: Uh Uh (No)

Hygienist: Did you know that cows are supposed to eat grass? We just feed them corn because it’s cheap and the government will subsidize it. That’s why we have to give them antibiotics! You have to see this movie!

Me: Uh Huh

Hygienist: High fructose corn syrup is one of the worst things we eat, and it’s in everything! I walk into the grocery store, and all I see is poison! I wish I could shop at Whole Foods for everything, but it’s so expensive.

Me: Uh Huh

Hygienist: Well, your teeth look great and so do your kids’ teeth. If only more people thought like you and me.

Me: Thanks.

Fire and ego successfully fed. Beware.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
I Corinthians 6:19

When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2

2 thoughts on “Fire Feeding at the Dentist

  1. It’s nice to have some stranger reinforce your passions and give them validity!! Madeleline L’Engle is doing that for me–thank you!! I will most likely blog about it, it’s all I can think about!!

    Congrats on the whole periodontal check-up!! Well done!


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