
Dream Come True

The books are here!

They arrived today at two-o’clock while I was at our homeschool history class in Granby. My friend Jocelyn agreed to sit at the house and wait for them, as there had to be a person here to receive them.

(She also filed school papers and swept my floors while she waited – thanks Jocelyn!)

And here are the stars of the book –
Cooper and Buddy.
Buddy does not like cameras (the flash, I guess), so this picture was quite difficult to get as he kept ducking his head behind Coop’s back. Buddy also has trouble being still as those of you who know him can attest to.

We are all so excited! The kids have been working on their future books today, because it is a dream come true to see your name in print and your work looking so official.

I want to thank my dad, Dee Rowland (in Texas), for loaning me the money for printing costs, and for not thinking I was crazy to try and write a book.
And Robert, for staying up late with me so many nights working on scanning, editing, formatting, and more – and for believing in this project and in me.
And to the Lord, for the idea, the courage, the open doors and for revealing the source of our health struggles when we felt utterly hopeless. May He be glorified through the book, and may He use it to bless and encourage others.
Thanks also to my bother Stu (CA), sisters Melissa and Melinda (TX), friends and church family(MA,OK,TX) who were excited with me.
And especially to Jessie Andreson(MD) who coached me in my drawing skills!
I miss you!

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10 thoughts on “Dream Come True

  1. Darling … congrats!!

    I’m putting a link to the book on my “reading” section of my blog and I’m thinking a picture on my flickr account would get a lot of hits…have you sent one to gluten free girl? maybe she would profile it….I’m your (free) marketing advisor! Let me know how I can help spread the word while i save for my copy….
    loves ya

  2. Yahoo and thankya Jesus! I am so excited and can’t wait to get our copy! YOu are so awesome and a model to your kiddos that when you are inspired, you take action and share it with the world! I’m so proud to be your sister.

    Is that a new hair “look” for Cooper? 😉

    love ya,

  3. Hi Margo! Where is your blog? How is life in OK?

    Kim, thanks so much for the advertising. I posted a comment on gluten free girl, but plan to send a comp. copy, too. Have the word out in a few other places as well.

    And to my sis, yes, the new hair look was actually inspired by your precious son Jonah! Cooper no longer wants to cut his hair, and can do all sorts of things with it now!

  4. Hey Melanie…my blog is my5blessings.blogspot.com By the way, I am homeschooling!! We love it! We just started Kindergarten with the Nate and Kyle!

  5. Hi Mel!

    Congrats on your book!!! I am not sure why it took me so long to check out your blog, but I’m so glad I did. I love seeing the pictures and hearing what you and the rest of the gang have been up to! Love you!!!


  6. Hi Kim!
    Got your email – so glad you’re doing better. Thanks for your encouragement on the book, and for reading my blog! Happy studying!

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