
New Cover for Book

We decided to change the cover a bit. The proofs came back last week, and the blue cover turned purple when it was printed. Iā€™m sure there is a way to adjust this in our file, but the learning curve has already been extremely steep for us regarding the computer work, graphics, conversion to pdf, etc. So now the cover is green and the type is blue here but may turn purple at the printer which will be fine. This also means that the availability date of September 1 is unlikely. Hopefully, and Lord willing, it will be ready sometime in September.
Stay tuned!

10 thoughts on “New Cover for Book

  1. We made the blog! Cool. We had so much fun, we’ve been telling everyone about our time there in Mass.
    Love the new cover of the book, green looks great! We are fully back in the swing of life at school and lunches and waking up early! Madeline didn’t get a spot in Wonderland School, so she has had a very busy social life with friends and sleepovers and birthdays! All this and only been home for really 3 days (got into Austin at 11pm Mon)!! Ah…life.
    One question…. “Nacho”?

  2. Hi! We’re back from Boston – it was great- could have done several more days! Kids got spoiled by babysitters – swimming, ice cream, dinners out, etc.
    Hope you’re feeling better and are adjusting to school year life!
    As for “Nacho” … we’ve decided to cap off out mini honeymoon with a viewing this evening!

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