“I like your t-shirt,” I said.
“Oh, thanks. Never sure what kind of a reaction I might get because of that t-shirt,” he replied, still wondering if I was sincere or not, and then started comparing it to the “Got Milk” t-shirts and campaign to make conversation.
“My girlfriend just texted me a verse ~ Philippians 4:13,” he added to the conversation.
I didn’t know it was a test, but I immediately began to quote it…
“I can do all things through Christ…” I said.
“Ok ~ NOW I know who I’m dealing with,” he enthusiastically replied finally convinced we weren’t mocking.
About that time, Betsy returned from the bathroom, and I pointed out his t-shirt to her.
When he saw me pointing I said, “I wanted to make sure my friend saw your t-shirt. She’s ‘got Jesus’ too.”
At this point he stood up {he’d been working on his gear}, faced us, and stuck out his hand to shake ours…
“Well, I think it’s time to meet my new brothers and sisters in Christ!” he exclaimed.
We enjoyed exchanging names, getting a little history on each other, and being in fellowship for a few moments before the race began.
And even though he’s a guy {and a competitive-former-police-officer one, at that}, when he passed me on the bike portion of the race, I saw a smile and heard a kind and encouraging voice shout out…
“Keep up the good work! Remember Philippians 4:13!”
And yet the Lord also provided all of these other August gifts, too:
1. Ferry Boat to Bustins Island, ME (white)
2. Cottages on the island (white)
3. Sauvignon Blanc to toast 20 years (white)
4. Eggs, toast, and fruit breakfast by Robert (eaten)
5. Gluten free soup and sandwich at Fresh Batch in Freeport, ME (eaten)
6. Grilled asparagus (eaten)
7. Reading on a foggy island day (10am)
8. Still fog, still reading (1pm)
9. Book finished! (10pm)
10. Devotions on the island cottage deck (sitting)
11. On a rock in the ocean with Robert (sitting)
12. Scrabble game and dark chocolate (sitting)
13. Seeing the sunset from an ocean kayak (outside)
14. Candlelit dinners (inside)
15. Olympic gymnastics! (upside down)
16. My kiddos floating and laughing (in water)
17. A pond/place to train for the triathlon (in water)
18. Cooling rain (in water)
19. “I am the bread of life…” (John 6)
20. “That My joy may be in you…” (John 15)
21. “Ask the Father for anything…” (John 16)
22. California wedding trip (in summer)
23. Cindy and Ben’s wedding (in summer)
24. Backyard cookouts/Picnic table dinners (in summer)
25. Oceans and ponds for swimming (hole)
26. Farm fresh raspberries and veggies (whole)
27. Coconut Curry Rice from Fresh Side shared with Kayla (half)
28. Janet’s life and death (hard eucharisteo)
29. Ministry and money (hard eucharisteo)
30. The pace of life (hard eucharisteo)
31. Anniversary bracelet (metal)
32. Old, but workable/ride-able road bike (metal)
33. Two good family vehicles (metal)
34. Wisdom and strength in Nicolette (half hidden)
35. The Lord’s abundant grace to me (half hidden)
36. My kids’ spiritual gifts (half hidden)
37. Lily pads on island pond (green)
38. Fresh mowed lawn (green)
39. California avocados (green)
40. Full circle phone conversations (in a ring)
41. Bike wheel fixed (in a curve)
42. Ripe summer tomatoes (in a sphere)
43. Health scares that give perspective (ugly-beautiful)
44. Dental appointments that reveal more serious health conditions (ugly-beautiful)
45. Parenting (ugly-beautiful)
46. A home and heritage (in family)
47. Memories hard and good (in family)
48. Comfort, laughing, and belonging (in family)
49. God’s Word (in the morning)
50. Exercise/Running (in the morning)
51. Cups of hot black tea (in the morning)
52. Fresh picked raspberries (red)
53. 1 Kings & Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge (read)
54. 20th Anniversary Card (written)
55. Baby dedications (in church)
56. Laughter (in church)
57. The Gospel reiterated every Sunday (in church)
58. The good feeling of giving away/contributing (in serving)
59. The privilege of being used by God (in serving)
60. Joy in lifting the burdens of others (in serving)
61. First day of Classical Conversations Challenge 1 (straight)
62. Celebration cups of FroYo (curve)
63. Reconciled relationships (turn)
64. Teen homeschoolers filling my sunny backyard (in light)
65. Dinners at the picnic table (in light)
66. Lunch out with our Senior son (in light)
67. Etsy spice racks (old)
68. Funny photos found while cleaning/organizing (old)
69. Friendships (old)
70. Kayla running to prepare for 5K (moving)
71. Jayden (Kayla’s dear friend who is moving!)
72. Church business and prayer meetings (moving)
73. Susan Branch tea pot (fragile)
74. My grandmother (fragile)
75. Pregnant mamas and new babies all around (fragile)
76. Sweet slices of watermelon and cantaloupe (cut)
77. Beginnings of reconciliation (sewn)
78. My lips in self-restraint (buttoned)
79. Eyelet top from TJ Maxx (new)
80. Running shoes for Cooper and Kayla (new)
81. Small groups for women (new)
82. Kory’s senior year! (long awaited)
83. Annual trip to Maine (long awaited)
84. Cindy’s and Stu’s weddings/marriages (long awaited)
85. A loving and faithful husband (one)
86. Challenge classes for Cooper and Kayla (two)
87. Strong, unique, and smart kids (three!)
88. A cyst that was not a “lump” (very small)
89. A believer’s bike parked next to ours (very small)
90. Marigold and Bonk Breaker Bars (very small)
91. Chuck’s heart valve issues found and repaired (miracles)
92. My church (miracles)
93. My salvation from a young age (miracle
We're glad God sent you the Phil.4:13
reminder. Love you, K&J